tort “inima de zmeura sub cupola” (also in English)

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In acest week-end am sarbatorit 80 de ani ai celei mai iubite bunici, Veronica.

Pentru o ocazie atat de speciala am ales sa creez un tort special… special prin aceea ca a fost creat de mine pentru acest moment. Si prin aceea ca este conceput in jurul unei “inimi”, o inima dulce de zmeura pentru o inima mare de om extraordinar.

Acum, sa relativizez putin ideea de “creat de mine”… nu am inventat nimic nou si nemaivazut. In esenta am adaptat combinat idei de la alte prajituri sau torturi pe care le-am facut si am mai improvizat pe ici pe colo. Doar forma/ montarea zic eu ca e originala (dar si aici s-ar putea sa fie improvizatii despre care nu garantez ca nu le-am zarit pe undeva si apoi au trait linistite in subconstient asteptand sa fie scoase la suprafata).

Ideea de cupola vine de la tortul Zucotto. Toti pasii realizarii sunt acolo, nu ii mai repet in detaliu. L-am facut cu acelasi blat cumparat (nu am vrut sa ma complic cu estimarea cantitatilor pentru un pandispan home made).

Umplutura este din trei parti: o parte mousse de ciocolata alba, o parte mousse de ciocolata amaruie si o parte jeleu de zmeura.

Mousse-urile de ciocolata – ingrediente si pasi:

  • 200 g ciocolata alba (menaj)
  • 200 g ciocolata amaruie
  • 600 ml smanatana pentru frisca
  • 2 foi gelatina

Procedura este aceeasi pentru fiecare din cele 2:

1. se pune la hidratat o foaie de gelatina

2. se pun pe foc intr-un vas, pe aburi (bain-marine) 100 ml de smantana pentru frisca

3. cand frisca s-a infierbantat se da deoparte, se pune ciocolata alba (200 de g) taiata marunt. Se lasa 5 minute si apoi se omogenizeaza prin amestecare. Daca ciocolata nu s-a topit complet, se mai intoarce pe aburi, amestecand continuu pana la topirea ciocolatei.

4. Cand nu mai este fierbinte, dar inca destul de cald, se scoate gelatina din apa si se amesteca bine in ganache-ul de ciocolata.

5. Cand ganache-ul s-a racit complet se adauga si cele 200 de ml de frisca batuta si se amesteca cu blandete.

Se repeta pasii pentru mousse-ul de ciocolata amara.

Jeleu de zmeura – ingrediente si pasi

  • 300 de grame de zmeura (congelata am avut eu, si ar fi mers 350)
  • 5 linguri de zahar (dar e dupa gust)
  • 2 foi de gelatina

1. Zmeura am pus-o asa congelata cum era intr-un vas.

2. Am adaugat zaharul si am lasat pe foc pana cand zmeura s-a decongelat si dezintegrat si zaharul s-a topit.

3. Am luat zmeura deoparte, cand s-a racit putin am adaugat gelatina.

Nota: am ales sa las semintele, pentru autenticitatea experientei; mi s-au parut insa prea multe seminte, asa ca data viitoare voi strecura preparatul (inainte de a adauga gelatina) si voi lasa doar cateva seminte. E posibil ca in acesta caz sa fie nevoie de mai multa gelatina (trebuie masurat volumul si adaugat gelatina conform specificatiilor de pe ambalaj – appx. o foaie le 100 ml preparat).


Pana aici nu e mare dificultate in tort, si nici de acum incolo, doar ca se complica putin lucrurile.

1. Odata creata cupola, ca in Zucotto, prima care intra este crema mousse de cioco alba.

2. pentru a crea spatiul pentru inima, am folosit un castronel (pe care l-am imbracat in folie de celofan, ca sa fiu sigura ca il pot “extrage”), pe care l-am “scufundat” in mousse.

3. am dat tortul la frigider pana cand s-a intarit mousse-ul alb – este un mousse destul de moale care nu se face “teapan” dar trebuie sa se intareasca cat sa isi pastreze forma cand scoatem castronelul. Pentru siguranta ultimele 15 min l-am bagat la congelator. In total mi-a luat 45 de minute.

4. Intre timp am preparat jeleul de zmeura. Cand acesta a fost gata am extras castronelul din tort si apoi am dezlipit cu grija si folia ramasa in urma si am umplut “inima” cu jeleul rece.

5. Am dat tortul la frigider pana cand s-a intarit si inima de zmeura. Nu a durat mult, pana cand a fost gata mousse-ul de ciocolata amaruie era si jeleul gata fixat. Am turnat deasupra mousse-ul de ciocolata amaruie, am asezat “fundul” de blat al cupolei (am nivelat putin peretii cupolei, pentru ca tortul s-a dovedit ceva mai mic decat vasul), am dat la rece pentru 30 de minte, apoi am asezat un vas mai greu peste tort si am lasat la rece peste noapte.

Nota: e important ca fiecare umplutura sa fie facuta la momentul ei (si nu in avans), cand cea dinainte e deja montata si intarita, pentru a nu risca sa amestecam straturile intre ele si nici sa asteptam prea mult cu un strat nemontat iar gelatina sa inceapa sa se intareasca in afara tortului.

6. Dupa noapte, tortul se rastoarna pe platou si se glazureaza cu o glazura de ciocolata la alegere. Eu am folosit una de la plic, Dr. Oetker – oricum cred ca are nevoie de o glazura f dulce, tortul in ansamble nefiind foarte dulce (eu am folosit smantana pentru frisca neindulcita).

Nu mai e nevoie sa spun ca a fost un succes! Intens, cu un miez super aromat de zmeura care a echilibrat mousse-urile fine de ciocolata, o nebunie absoluta!

Raspberry heart in a body of chocolate

This weekend we celebrated the 80th birthday of my most beloved grandmother, Veronica.

It was a special occasion, so I decided to create a special cake … special in that sense that it was created by me for this moment. And in that sense that it is designed around a “heart”, a raspberry sweet heart, dedicated to the loving heart of my Grandma.

The main idea for the dome comes from the  Zucotto. All the steps for the Dome are described here , I did not not repeat them in this post. I used again a store-bought sponge layer cake for that  (I did not wanted to fuss with the estimation of quantities for homemade sponge).

The filling is in three parts: one part white chocolate mousse, one dark chocolate mousse and raspberry jelly part.

White & Dark Chocolate Mousses – Ingredients and steps:

200 g white chocolate (for cooking)
200 g dark chocolate
600 ml heavy whipping cream
2 sheets gelatin

The procedure is the same for each of the two:

1. Hydrated one sheet of gelatin

2. In a double boiler, on the stove, add 100 ml heavy cream

3. When the cream is simmering set aside, add white chocolate (200 g) chopped. Allow 5 minutes for the chocolate to melt and then stir to homogenize. If the chocolate is not completely melted, put the whole thing back in the double boiler, stirring constantly until chocolate melts.

4. When cream+chocolate (the ganache) is no longer hot (but still warm enough), remove the gelatine from the water and mix well in the chocolate ganache.

5. When the ganache has cooled completely, whip 200ml of whipping cream, add them to the ganache and mix gently.

Repeat the steps for dark chocolate mousse.

Raspberry jelly – ingredients and steps

300 grams of raspberries (I used frozen, 350g would have worked)
5 tablespoons sugar (or whatever quantity suits your taste)
2 sheets of gelatin

1. Put the raspberries (frozen, as they are) in a pot, on the stove.

2. Add the sugar and let it heat up, until raspberries get thawed and the sugar has melted and dissloved.

3. Put  aside, when cooled down add the gelatin (which needs to have been hydrated in advance, just like for the chocolate mousses).

Note: I chose to leave seeds in, for the authenticity of the experience, but I thought there were too many seeds, so the next time I will strain the raspberry coulis (before adding gelatin) and leave just a few seeds. It is possible that in this case more gelatin will be needed (gelatin should be measured according to the specifications on the packaging – 1 sheet for appx. 100 ml liquid).

Assembling the cake

We ar going to complicate things a little :).

1. Once you have assembled the dome (like for Zucotto),  spread the white chocolate mousse first (on the bottom, which when you reverse the cake will be the upper part of the cake).

2. To create the space for the heart, I used a small bowl (which I covered in cling film wrap, to make sure I can “extract” afterwards) that I have “sunk” in the white mousse.

3. I put the cake in the refrigerator until the white mousse has set  – it’s a pretty soft mousse, it will not be “stiff” but you have to have it firm, so it keeps the bowl’s shape. For safety, for the last 15 minutes I put it in the freezer. In total, it took me 45 minutes.

4. Meanwhile I prepared raspberry jelly. When it was ready I pulled the bowl from the cake and then carefully removed the cling film lagging behind and I filled the “heart” with the cold  jelly.

5. I placed the cake in the refrigerator until the raspberry heart has set. It was not long until it was ready for the dark chocolate mousse a. I poured over the dark chocolate mousse, I placed the sponge cake “bottom” of the dome (I leveled a little dome walls, because the cake turned out a little smaller than the bowl), I put it back in the fridge for 30 minute. Then, over the cake I placed a heavy plate, and left to cool overnight.

Note: it is important that every filling is made when it’s assembling time comes (not in advance), when the previous one is already installed and set – meaning, first make the white mousse and assemble, than, when it is set make the raspberry jelly, and when the jelly is almost set, proceed with the dark chocolate mousse .

6. The next morning, reverse the cake upside down on a platter and glaze it with the chocolate icing of your choice. I used one from Dr. Oetker – however I think it needs a frosting that is sweeter, as it is not a very sweet cake.

Needless to say it was a major success!!!! Intense taste, with a tangy core of raspberry,  balanced by a smooth  and rich chocolate mousse, absolute madness!

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