biscuiti fragezi cu picaturi de ciocolata (also in English)

For English recipe, please scroll down.

De doua saptamani coc pentru pachetelul de scoala. Da, de doua saptamani am scolar in casa, asadar mi-am gasit o noua scuza de bucatarit diverse.

Pana acum i-am pus la pachetel gogosi cu gem si cuiburi de viespi (pe care le fac, le congelez dupa cum am descris in post, si apoi, una cate una le scot de seara in frigider si dimineata le coc, astfel incat copilul le are proaspete si calde la scoala).

In prima zi de scoala am facut acesti biscuitei. Am mai spus la reteta de choco-cookies ca eu nu sunt mare fan biscuiti, fursecuri etc. dar am remarcat ca copilului meu ii plac tare, asa ca, daca pot sa ii fac o bucurie si sa inlocuiesc tonele de zahar si faina alba din biscuitii cumparati… de ce nu? Culmea e, insa, ca mi-au placut si mie… rau! 🙂 Noroc ca stau intr-o cutie, sus pe dulapul din bucatarie 🙂

Reteta o am de pe allrecipes, de aceea e in cani, dar cat de usor e de masurat in cani atunci cand gatim :). Eu am mai modificat-o in sensul ca am scos zaharul alb si am redus cantitatea de zahar in general, am inlocuit faina cu faina integrala bio si am renuntat la nuci (asta a fost solicitarea lui Vlad). Nu se simte in niciun fel ca si cum as fi facut vreun compromis – iar Vlad i-a decretat mai buni decat Oreo!

deci, reteta (pentru appx. 22 de bucati) – masurat cu cana de 250 ml

115g unt de calitate, moale

1/2 cana sau 100 g zahar brun (si brut) – da o super aroma biscuitelui

1 ou

1 1/2 de cana sau 190 g faina (integrala am folosit eu)

1/2 lingurita de bicarbonat stins cu o lingura de apa fierbinte

esenta de vanilie si rom (prima oara romul l-am pus din greseala, dar au iesit atat de buni ca a ramas in reteta)

un pumn de picaturi de ciocolata

un praf de sare, ca la orice aluat care se respecta

1. Se freaca untul cu zaharul pana cand se formeaza o crema. Se adauga oul si se mixeaza bine. Se adauga faina, esentele, bicarbonatul stins si sarea si se mixeaza totul impreuna. Rezulta o pasta compacta, moale si lipicioasa. Se adauga si picaturile de ciocolata.

(chiar daca in poze apare o paleta – e pentru a aduna aluat de pe margini; mixerul face toata treaba; doar nu exagerati cu mixatul, pentru a nu inmuia prea mult aluatul)

2. Pentru a  putea modela eu am pus pasta 1/2 ora in frigider. In timpul asta am preincalzit cuptorul la 175 de grade Celsius.

3. Am modelat bile cat o nuca pe care le-am aplatizat intre palme.

4. Am dat la cuptor 15 minute, pana cand s-au rumenit putin (foarte putin) pe margini. La un moment dat izbucneste intoata casa un miros innebunitor – de atunci nu mai e mult, 2-3 minute. Asa cum am remarcat in putina mea experienta cu biscuitii, ei raman moi in mijloc dar se intaresc in timp ce se racesc. Daca ii coaceti pana sunt tari, veti avea parte de niste pietroaie.

et voila:


Chocolate chips cookies

For the past two weeks I have been baking for the school pack.. Yes, for two weeks I have a school-boy at home, so I found a new excuse to bake various things.

Until now I had to packed him for school donuts with jam and nests of wasps (I freeze them as described in the post, and then remove them one by one in the evening, thaw in the refrigerator overnight and bake them in the morning so that the child has it fresh and warm at school).

On the first day of school I made these biscuits. As I said in the choco-cookies post, I’m not big fan of biscuits, cookies, etc.. but I noticed that my son loves tham, so why not replace the tons of sugar and white flour in the storebought biscuits?  …  Funny thing is, though, that I truly enjoyed the cookies in this post :). Fortunately, they are hidden in a cookie box on top of the kitchen cabinet 🙂

I know this recipe from allrecipes, so it’s in cups, but, oh, how easy it is to measure in cups when cooking :). I’ve modified it in the sense that I removed the white sugar alltogether and reduced the amount of sugar, I  have used organic whole wheat flour and I dropped the nuts (this was Vlad’s request). They do not taset in any way like I have made a compromise – and Vlad has decreed them better than Oreo!

So the recipe (for appx. 22 pieces) – measured with 250 ml cup

115g butter as soft

1/2 cup or 100 g brown sugar (and raw) – gives a great flavor to the biscuit

1 egg

1 1/2 cup or 190 g flour (I used wholewheat)

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, dissolved in a tablespoon of hot water

vanilla and rum (first time I made a mistake by adding rum, but they came out so good that it stayed in the recipe)

a handful of chocolate drops

a pinch of salt, as any self-respecting dough needs

1. Cream butter with sugar. Add the egg and mix well. Add flour, essences, baking soda and salt and mix off all together. The result is a compact pasta, soft and sticky. Add chocolate drops.

(Even if there is a palette in my photos – use the handmixer or standing mixer. Just make sure you do not overmix, so that the final dough is not runny or anything)

2. To shape,  I had the dough 1/2 hour in the refrigerator. In that time I preheated the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.

3. I modeled little walnut-size balls that I flattened between my palms.

4. I baked in the oven for 15 minutes, until they got brown a little (very little) on the edges. At one point a great smell broke into house  –  there is not much waiting from that point, about 2-3 minutes. As I noted in my little experience with biscuits, they remain soft in the middle but harden as they cool. If you bake them until they are hard, you will end up with some stones.

Et voila!


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